Sunday, 13 January 2013

Vitals signs and verses

A quotation that stuck.
And some thoughts I had.

"And so it happened again, the daily miracle whereby interiority opens out and brings to bloom the million-petalled flower of being here, in the world, with other people.  Neither as hard as she had thought it might be nor as easy as it appeared." (from On Beauty by Zadie Smith) 

Gender pains
The legacy of the world
Is disciplining girls

Enslaved if they behave
Reprimanded if they stand

We are all
Addicts of validation
What's the motivation

All out of wack
How do we get back
To the real and the raw
And give currency to sincerity

Lessons from running

The farther I look 
lifting my chin
Focusing forwards my gaze
I see my step complies
Follows my eyes
and takes me there...

As I strove to trust my feet to anticipate the grooves of the ground and look ahead, I began to wonder about looking down.  When we avoid the eyes of our peers, keep ourselves inwards,  inside our heads.  Is it a way of protecting ourselves from the risks of being in the world?  Is it also a way that we unknowingly surrender to our fears, allowing self-doubt to limit our own growth?  And then I consider, as I begin to feel a new energy coursing through my legs, what if by setting our sights farther than our reach, we surprise ourselves?  What if imagining the impossible makes it possible?

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